
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

indie music blog

It's Indie Music blog, a blog featuring music updates from all around the world. Indie Music history, Indie music is not so much a sound as it is an attitude. Most Indie bands and artists have the Do-It-Yourself attitude, they write their own music, book their own shows, get in with a small record label and distribute their albums on a smaller scale than artists and bands who have some of the huge music moguls backing them up. In many ways Indie musicians are underground, at least initially, and are content to be so. In Indie Music reviews, throw in reviews of some of what they believe to be some of the more promising independent bands and musicians out there.

Lee hom heartbeat

Leehom's new album has just being released weeks back.


01 愛得 得體 02 心跳 03 春雨里洗過的太陽 04 Everything 05 我完全沒有任何理由理你 06 另一個天堂 07 玩偶 08 腳本 09 競爭對手 10 搖滾怎麼了 This time featuring more toward the rock genre musics. 搖滾怎麼了 feauturing mixing chinese guitar(pipa) and western music instrument, blending both types of instrument creating a whole new type of music all together. Also a rock yet chinese musics.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

One world one dream

Well, this is Leehom's one world one dream, the official song for this year's olympic. Leehom was given the honour to sing the song for olympic, it's a very nice song, enjoy guys. Do leave a comment about this song. more updates will come out as soon as possible,

Friday, December 21, 2007

who are they? to read more about Ma Ying-jeou. to read more about LeeHom Wang: 11月20日「當馬英九遇上王力宏—提昇國際新『視』力」座談會中,「中年」馬英九加上「青年」王力宏,會產生怎樣的化學變化? 時間:2007/11/20,pm19:30-21:30。 地點:台大集思會議中心 亞歷山大國際會議廳,台北市羅斯福路四段85號B1。 when mid-aged Ma met young LeeHom, 2007/11/20 pm19:56:53 (by *dans) "I understand", they sing an old song with guitar together at the beginning... who are they? to read more about Ma Ying-jeou. to read more about LeeHom Wang:

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

一周要闻精选 王力宏已经正式代言方正电脑(图)

IT.168讯 本周是圣诞节前的最后一周,在欧美地区,笔记本电脑的销售已经进入白热化的“收官”阶 段,而国内则显得比较平静。在“发达资本主义国家”送笔记本电脑做为圣诞礼物非常时髦,看来在国内这一套还不怎么吃得开,一是圣诞节毕竟不是我们的传统节 日,连个正式假期都没有;二是我们还穷得抱怨肉太贵,送笔记本电脑实在有点痴心妄想。好了,闲话少述,今天的一周要闻包含的内容有大帅哥王力宏登场,还有 联想将造就“ThinkPad”“IdeaPad”“lenovo”“联想”的品牌帝国,东芝也带来了最新的电池技术,最后惠普被黑客整得够呛,都是很精 彩的内容。


上个星期,我们看到了娱乐圈的大帅哥王力宏出现了笔记本圈,第一次意气风发造型酷毙的站在了笔记本 小编们而不是娱记们的面前,因为他这次手里拿着方正笔记本电脑,是方正笔记本的形象代言人。方正科技方面称,选择优质偶像王力宏代言,主要是看重他高雅的 气质、健康的体魄、俊朗的外形以及雄厚的音乐底蕴。在他国际化表象的背后,有着浓厚的中国情节和内涵。


哪怕最不关注大众“俗文化”的人都应该听说过王力宏的大名,这位以唱歌出道的艺人唱过一首很爱国的 《龙的传人》,最近还在超级热门电影《色戒》出演了男主角之一。这样的当红一线明星,自然拥有非常高的号召力,做为品牌代言人的效果小生以为肯定会比用 “超女”代言好得多,即使不支持,至少也不会被骂。从商业的角度上来考虑,方正的策略很是高明,不过方正说的王力宏国际化形象中的中国情节如果也是在说方 正笔记本电脑的话那就有点言过其实了。

虽然方正做为起步较早的老大哥,曾经是非常牛X的国人电脑品牌,但是在众多厂商激烈竞争的内忧外患 之下,其光芒已经大不如前。单就笔记本电脑来看,产品特色并不鲜明,产品线也算不上丰富,实在很难被列入“国际化”的一线厂商行列。硬要用代言明星的气质 套用自己的品牌形象,一方面有没有多大的实际意义,另一方面也显得有点不害臊。其实要说王力宏虽然红,但也远没到国际巨星的标准,反正方正和王力宏的目标 都是在华人圈内混得响亮,什么“国际化”之类有强烈忽悠色彩的浮云不提也罢。

之所以要拿“国际化”来说事儿,其实并不是对方正有意贬低。小生之前就曾经说过明星代言的问题,选 什么样的人代言,就象人穿衣服一样,总要选择适合自己风格和身份地位的。王力宏这样的优质明星代言,很好很好,但也不要不着边际的宣传,其实偶像本身健康 阳光的形象就是最好的卖点。明星代言跟其他任何形式的宣传归根到底都是一样的,都是一种营销策略,营销策略用好了就是强强联手,弄得不好的,象长虹光能手 机那样的,也没哪个傻冒会去上当。在光鲜的代言人背后,产品本身的品质才是最最重要的,其实这也很符合王力宏一贯的形象,方正真能做到那样,就是更好更 好。

女歌迷疯狂险被拉下台 王力宏双手护头逃离



  据报道,王力宏于上周五在上海浦东展览馆,为某派对担任表演嘉宾,除了他以外,表演嘉宾还有曹 格、美国R&B歌手Amerie及乐队Bowling For Soup等,到场欣赏的嘉宾则有邓萃雯、内地男星刘烨、台湾歌手张洪量、陈志朋及Rosemary等,入场观众达数千人之多,令场馆内气氛极之热闹。

  王力宏向来甚得歌迷宠爱,加上有份主演的电影《色,戒》在各地大受好评,使他人气三级跳,是夜他 压轴出场献唱,歌迷甫见他已不停尖叫吶喊,力宏一轮结他、击鼓及钢琴的自弹自唱表演后,再献唱了几首快歌,唱至青筋暴现,歌迷情绪也达至沸点,此时大汗淋 漓的力宏看见台边歌迷伸出手,他即沿T形舞台走上前,亲切地与歌迷握手,没想到却几乎乐极生悲。

力宏与热情歌迷握手时,有歌迷紧拉他的手不放,他没想后果便也以热情响应,蹲下来与歌迷手牵手地继续唱歌, 旁边大班女歌迷见状也马上伸出手亲近偶像,霎时间群情汹涌,一个又一个女歌迷如狼似虎地抓向力宏,未几他已被歌迷扯离舞台,整个人头向下身体凌空在台边, 只剩一只脚撑着台板,该舞台离地约一米高,眼看力宏快要跌下台之际,此时才有两名保安冲上台及时抱住他的腰,意外才不致发生。

王力宏亲自走访寮国 资助被遗忘角落儿童(图)



寮国的小朋友对音阶没有概念,把DoReMe音符当作歌词,但这不需要翻译也能让他们学会唱 歌,因为音乐是全世界共同的语言。王力宏透过世界展望会认养了许多名的资助儿童,而这次他亲自走访当地,也难得和孩子们齐聚一堂,而这些孩子背后的贫穷故 事,都是他亲自深入那些家庭才能深刻感受到的;对此,他说道:“一个家什么都没有很震撼,全部的家产就是3只鸡,还在以物易物没有钱这东西,好像回到 1000年前。”


Ella喜欢李安 照《色,戒》王力宏造型剪发

  昨天,S.H.E率领师弟T.Y.J(Tank、林宥嘉和周定纬),在台北市亮相,4000多人到场可见 人气。Ella穿得像小男生,连头发也越修越短,还得意地说:“早上又去剪的,照邝裕民(《色,戒》中王力宏的角色)剪的。”先前曾特地去追星看李安的 Ella说:“看李安能否找我一下。”被问是否喜欢王力宏,她赶忙说:“是喜欢李安,哎呀,他和力宏都是帅哥,都喜歡。”


Friday, November 16, 2007

Leehom at award and concert - lee hom

Leehom Movie review: 'Lust, caution'

In some ways, Ang Lee's "Brokeback Mountain," adapted from a short story by Annie Proulx, and Ang Lee's "Lust, Caution," adapted from a short story by Eileen Chang, aren't so very different.

Both, at the core, are about secret passion: two cowpokes who can't reveal their love for fear of the shame it'll bring on, or worse, and two Chinese in World War II Shanghai who can't reveal their love, for no less dangerous reasons.

He - Yee (Hong Kong star Tony Leung) - is in the secret police, a collaborator with the occupying Japanese, a married man. She - Mrs. Mak (Tang Wei) - is likewise wed, or so she says. In fact, she is a young woman who has banded with a group of theater students-turned-resistance fighters. Her mission, should she choose to accept: seduce Yee, lure him from his security detail, and have him killed.

A rich, beautifully detailed espionage thriller that captures the bygone days of Shanghai - and 1940s Hollywood noirs' romantic evocations of same - "Lust, Caution" is also one of those rare movie experiences: Its scenes of the trysts between Yee and Mak, from their rough-stuff first encounter to the long, tangled love-making sessions of subsequent meetings, are truly erotic. With an unblinking camera and bold performances by Leung and Tang, these scenes - which comprise maybe a dozen minutes of Lee's 2 hour, 37 minute drama - are not only what the film pivots on. They are what the conflicted souls played so exquisitely by Leung and Tang turn upon as well. (The scenes garnered the picture a rare NC-17 rating.)

"Lust, Caution," adapted for the screen by long-time Lee associates James Schamus and Wang Hui Ling, is a story about transformation - by ideology and politics, by sex and love. As good as Leung is, the film belongs to Tang, a mainland Chinese actress whose character, Wong Chia Chi, is an innocent college kid, left behind by a father packed off to England. Her first transformation comes thanks to the theatrical troupe that invites her to join: Standing onstage, in a fiercely pro-China production, she quakes with feeling and speaks with force. The crowd goes nuts for her.

Later, Lee turns a couple of lovely scenes with Wong losing it at the movies, weepily watching Ingrid Bergman in "Intermezzo," paying for a ticket for "Penny Serenade."

Also very good in "Lust, Caution" is Kuang Yu Min (the Asian pop star Wang Leehom), as the leader of the theater company and of the resistance cell - a man clearly troubled by the lengths he's asked Wong to go to insinuate herself into Yee's world. And troubled by his own feelings of jealousy and desire.

Joan Chen, in a quiet, tamped-down role, plays Yee's wife, passing her days shopping, gossiping and playing endless hours of mahjong with her girlfriends - one of whom is the spy who calls herself Mrs. Mak.

Suspenseful and sexy, with sets, costumes and cars that recall another place and time, "Lust, Caution" nonetheless has something very modern - or timeless, really - going on: the urgent, all-consuming desire of one human for another.


王力宏,英文名:LeeHom。生日是1976年5月17日,国籍美国,学历为美国麻州WilliamsCollege。家庭状况:父母、1兄1弟。 才华:歌唱(14岁加入ShowChoir合唱团,19岁出第一张个人专辑)、棒球(左投手,盗垒王)、英文(从出生开始学)、法文(从初一学到高三)、 中文(回中国台湾后开始学)、乐器(小提琴手、吉他手、爵士鼓手、钢琴手)、词曲创作(13岁起开始创作,至今约四十余首作品)、绘画(画作《鹰》得 奖)、论文(作品《人生与宗教》得奖)、音乐剧(自高中起年年演舞台剧)。 发行专辑:《情敌贝多芬》、《如果你听见我的歌》、《nature大地的窗口》、《好想你》、《白纸》、《我用生命爱你》、《好力宏》、《公转自转》、《不可能错过你》。 奖项:1999年获第十届金曲奖“最佳男演唱人”及“最佳专辑制作人奖”、新加坡金曲奖最佳唱片制作;2000年获华语榜中榜99歌曲奖。

Leehom & shu qi using same cell phone

Four months ago, Shu Qi and Wang Li-Hong (Leehom Wang) were caught shopping together for a ring by a tourist in Tokyo. Lately a reporter who was known to have sharp eyes caught them having the same Sony Ericsson K800i mobile phone. Rumors also say that Shu Qi stopped her tobacco addiction because Leehom told her that he didn't like it. Their 'ground' love is steaming more and more every minute! As for the coincidence of them having the same phone, Leehom's manager said, "It should be a coincidence." Shu Qi's manager, however, said, "Things like this always happen." When Shu Qi celebrated her 30th birthday this April, her only birthday wish was to hope that she can stop her tobacco addiction. Although quitting will be extremely difficult, she says that she will not give up. Because Leehom is drug-free, other people began to think that it's because of Shu Qi's love for Leehom that convinced her to quit. This month on the 10th, Shu Qi wore a cap with extremely casual clothes and shopped at Hong Kong's Central for some food and other daily necessities. Throughout her time shopping she was extremely happy, talking briskly and happily through her cell phone. She giggled, laughed, and smiled, causing people to look up at her, wondering who she's talking to that is making her so happy. After half an hour, Shu Qi finished shopping and smiled triumphantly, walking away with her female assisstant. When they left the store, the reporters ran up to her and asked her some questions regarding her upcoming movie, "Confession of Pain." She immediately hid away her cell phone and ran to her van, ignoring the reporters. Although it was only a matter of seconds, a reporter with sharp eyes caught her holding a cell phone that is the exact same phone of the new generation in which Leehom was a spokesperson for: Sony Ericsson K800i. DENIED THAT LEEHOM GAVE HER THE PHONE IPB Image IPB Image When the reporters say that Shu Qi was using the same phone Leehom is being a spokesperson for, Leehom's manager said that she doesn't know if Leehom gave Shu Qi the phone. She said that Leehom is a spokesperson for Sony Ericsson and whenever there is a new generation coming out, they will give him one to use. As for if he will invite Shu Qi to his upcoming Hong Kong concert on Saturday and Sunday, Leehom's manager said, "As long as it's friends, he will invite them." Shu Qi's manager said that Sony Ericsson K800i is a new generation. Having the same cell phone is nothing to be astonished about, and denied that it was Leehom who gave her the phone.

Wang Leehom & shu qi Love line

THE "WANG/SHU" LOVE LINE (Time/Event) * 2006/03 BED SCENE Leehom directed his MV for his new song, "The First Morning" in his "Heroes of Earth" album and he invited Shu Qi to be the female lead. The two were on bed and Leehom was playing his guitar to her. Leehom praised that Shu Qi's acting skills were beyond amazing and he also joked that he wanted to cut all his parts in the MV. * 2006/04/26 HOLDING HANDS AND SHOPPING TOGETHER FOR A RING Leehom, Shu Qi were shopping in Tokyo together for a ring. They were caught as being extremely close and holding hands. A tourist caught a picture of them together but Leehom denied and said that "Shu Qi was helping him pick a mother's day present for his mom" to deny their relationship. *2006/04/28 MARRIAGE DAY? One of Shu Qi's best friends Lam Sum Mei said that at the meantime both her and Leehom were just good friends, but she said that if they will really end up marrying each other in the future, she would be more than happy to be the host for their marriage. *2006/04/30 HANGING OUT TOGETHER Shu Qi commented on the "Wang/Shu Love," saying that they are just good friends and will sometimes call each other to hang out. However, she also said that "it's hard to say what will happen in the future." Source: Appledaily Translations: Scarlett BS. I can have the same phone as Leehom, same hat, same shirt, same shoes, same underwear... Me and Leehom must be married.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Leehom's childhood.

Leehom was singing with his brother when he was young, And they got it videotaped.

Monday, November 29, 2004

Lee Hom's Profile

Chinese Name: 王力宏 English Name: Lee Hom Wang Christian Name: Alexander Japanese Name: Ou Riki Hiroshi Birthday: May 17, 1976 Ethnicity: Taiwanese Nationality: American Astrological Sign: Taurus Zodiac: Dragon Height: 180cm Weight: 68kg Birthplace: Rochester, New York Blood Type: O Family : Parents, Older Brother Leo (+3 yrs), Younger Brother Lee Kai (-9 yrs) Elementary School: Pittsford Elementary School – Pittsford, New York High School: Sutherland High School – Pittsford, New York Undergraduate: Williams College – Williamstown, Massachusetts (Graduated with Honors in Music, Minor in Asian Studies) Graduate School: Berklee School of Music – Boston, Massachusetts Email: Mailing Address: P.O. Box 20083, Rochester, NY 14602, USA